If you’re ready to pass the baton to a marketing leader that will take initiative to strategize company growth…but you don’t have a good candidate on the inside

Here’s your options for sourcing one from the outside.

You’re ready to be in the room with your idols-turned-peers...

You’re tired of being the only one making money for your business...

You’re beyond ready to drop all the roles except full-time Visionary CEO.

...But You're Missing Your Wingperson (aka Your Rainmaker).

The Rainmaker Residency™ is a duo-only program. Meaning, we don’t allow solo Visionaries or orphaned Rainmakers to go through the program. (It just doesn’t work…it’s like marriage therapy when only one person shows up #yikes).

You now have a few choices that I’ll walk you through here to help you source and hire the right prospective Rainmaker candidate to go through the program with you.

Rainmaker Residency is a duo-only program. Meaning, we don’t allow solo Visionaries or orphaned Rainmakers through my program alone. (It just doesn’t work…it’s like marriage therapy when only one person shows up #yikes).

First OptioN:

First OptioN:

By the nature of what I do, I’m always attracting prospective Rainmakers looking for good companies to belong to. I’ve either worked with them, trained them, or they’ve come to me after hearing about what I do.

Through Matched By V, I’ll put you in contact with these rainmaking seekers via directory and blind-date style matchmaking. Through this process, you can see their profiles, resumes, and easily set up interviews and meet-&-greets. This is the quickest option as these are marketing leaders that are actively looking and ready to hop on a phone call with you this week.

Second Option:

Second Option:

Throughout our program, we’ve found that some of the best, long-lasting Rainmakers are the ones that come from YOUR COMMUNITY.

They’re students, members, or people that have consumed your content and believe in what you’re doing. They believe in your services and products and would find meaningful work in helping you propel your mission forward because they know what your products have changed their lives.

You’re basically taking a walking testimonial and turning them into a rainmaking team member.

We’ve created a free Rainmaker Hiring Kit that will teach you how to find this "diamond in the rough." Our kit includes job descriptions, test project templates, interview tips, and our recommendations on how to approach your community about this incredible opportunity.

Third Option:

Third Option:

If the thought of sourcing from your community doesn't feel like the right option and you’re not seeing anyone in my matchmaking list that’s an appealing fit, then this is the option for you.

If you want to do this properly, then we suggest you use our preferred and recommended recruiters. They have matched Rainmakers to Visionaries in our program before and intimately know what to look for in a candidate as well as handle the background checks and multi-layers of interviews for you.

Need Help Deciding?

Follow the decision tree below to get your answer

based on budget, needs, and priority.

Need Help Deciding?

Follow the decision tree below to get your answer based on budget, needs, and priority.

"Your program is phenomenal. The leader is splitting their time between leading, growing, scaling, and doing the marketing activities. And at some point. I’ve seen it in my own business. I need to hand over the marketing so I can get in deeper to protect the brand at all costs to protect the team and grow my team. Operation leaders long for a counterpart with as much passion, skill, knowledge, and experience on the front side of business. We do want that best friend on the other side."

Natalie Gingrich


"Your program is phenomenal. The leader is splitting their time between leading, growing, scaling, and doing the marketing activities. And at some point. I’ve seen it in my own business. I need to hand over the marketing so I can get in deeper to protect the brand at all costs to protect the team and grow my team. Operation leaders long for a counterpart with as much passion, skill, knowledge, and experience on the front side of business. We do want that best friend on the other side."

Natalie Gingrich


"The number one reason why you shouldn't even hesitate to sign up for the Rainmaker Residency is because you're a DIY-er, you're able to build your business from the ground up. But now it's time for you to get serious and be able to really see how a business should run its marketing department and be really successful throughout the way."

Tanner Bell


"The number one reason why you shouldn't even hesitate to sign up for the Rainmaker Residency is because you're a DIY-er, you're able to build your business from the ground up. But now it's time for you to get serious and be able to really see how a business should run its marketing department and be really successful throughout the way."

Tanner Bell


"It was eye-opening to me about the future hires that are coming in and the order in which I need to do them. And I wasn't sure if the marketing Rainmaker role was the first step but I'm even more sure now that we did this. Because I'm a marketer. It's actually the hardest thing for me to let go of. I have to be the face and the brand and the visionary and the content generator. Everybody has all these things going on. But at the end of the day, what you have to be really good at is what I'm saying yes to aligning with where I'm supposed to go. And if it's true, then you have to make room there's just no question about it or you'll just spin. I made it happen. I made space for the Rainmaker Residency™."

Lindsey Hartz


Let's do this!

How Will You Find Your Rainmaker Today?


"It was eye-opening to me about the future hires that are coming in and the order in which I need to do them. And I wasn't sure if the marketing Rainmaker role was the first step but I'm even more sure now that we did this. Because I'm a marketer. It's actually the hardest thing for me to let go of. I have to be the face and the brand and the visionary and the content generator. Everybody has all these things going on. But at the end of the day, what you have to be really good at is what I'm saying yes to aligning with where I'm supposed to go. And if it's true, then you have to make room there's just no question about it or you'll just spin. I made it happen. I made space for the Rainmaker Residency™."

Lindsey Hartz



"The number one reason why you shouldn't even hesitate to sign up for the Rainmaker Residency is because you're a DIY-er, you're able to build your business from the ground up. But now it's time for you to get serious and be able to really see how a business should run its marketing department and be really successful throughout the way."

Julia Taylor
