NEW Executive Masterclass

Hosted by Veronica Romney

3 Secrets To Transforming Your Marketing Team of Doers Into a Dream Team of

How to end CEO bottlenecking, eliminate embarrassing public mistakes, and alleviate decision fatigue in the most revenue generating arm of your business TODAY!

As Seen On:

It doesn’t matter what your current marketing team looks like right now…

You can have a whole department or maybe you're a scrappy team of two.

It doesn't matter because what I'm going to show you in this executive masterclass is exactly how to turn the marketing team you CURRENTLY HAVE into a DREAM TEAM.


A team of experienced rockstar doers and thinkers that have been empowered with leadership, autonomy, and ivsion to delegate and strategize on behalf of the company in a CEO’s absence!

Just so we're clear,

I mean a dream team that:

  • is adept at doing AND delegation (aka no one is waiting around to be told what to do)

  • is confident in their own abilities to strategize and make decisions on your behalf

  • leans into their natural leadership inclinations (even when “it’s not their job”)

  • leverage their past experiences to better thrive in the role they’ve been given (ahem, if you have someone that has transitioned from ops to marketing...I mean these talented people)

  • are able to manage outside vendors like a boss while acting like a lovable bodyguard to protect your time and image

If you don't yet have a team that does these 👆 things WITHOUT constantly checking in or keeping can love the people on your team all you want, but it's not a dream team.

Look, right now, my guess (based off the hundreds of marketing teams I’ve worked with) is that you have a...

Team of Marketing Doers

Doer: [Noun]

A highly skilled team member (or outside vendor) trained in a specific type of digital marketing execution.

Examples: social media manager, copywriter, paid search manager, funnel builder, designer, etc.

…but what you need is a team of STRATEGIC LEADERS.

The good news is getting your team there actually doesn't require new people at all!


Since Marketing Dream Teams Aren’t Simply Found or Hired, Here’s What We’re Covering To Transform Your Current Team

These methods work whether you have a team of 2 or an entire department

Since Marketing Dream Teams Aren’t Simply Found or Hired...

Here Are The Secrets We’re Covering

To Transform Your Current Team

Here Are The Secrets We’re Covering To Transform Your Current Team

These methods work whether you have a team of 2 or an entire department

The 3-prong marketing team structure that replaces you, the CEO, from as much of the doing as possible!

How to shed your non-Visionary tasks to your current team without having to hire more hands and without transferring burnout from your shoulders to theirs!

My Outcome, Strategy, KPI playbook that was inspired by Disney’s Bob Iger - giving more meaning to their doing for sustainable retention!

  • Clarify your role and responsibilities so we banish frankenstein roles once and for all.

  • Create a clear team structure that removes you as the CEO from as much of the doing as possible (and keeps you in your zone of genius)

  • Give strategic dimension and direction to the why behind everyone’s role, tasks, and KPIs for purposeful daily needle moving

  • Tetris your team configuration to unlock your next level of growth and individual advancement

  • Inspire our dreamers to carry the vision with us and charge our doers with the leadership we know they’re capable of

  • Show you a BETTER way forward, united in vision and purpose, empowered to do your best work yet.

Hey, It's V

Dream Team architect

I have been both a marketing leader for some of the biggest online personalities & brands in the world and the former Director of Marketing for a $2B evaluated corporation. I’ve seen what it takes to help a six-figure company scale past the 7-figure threshold and beyond (and what makes them crash and burn).

Having the right people in the right seats is the difference between a business that leaps from six-figures to seven plus…and one that gets burned down every 6-12 months.

As Seen On:

" I love how you explain this V!"




"This concept has changed the last 6 months of my mindset and business🙌🏻"


"My husband just texted and said “wow this is funny! this is your company to a T!"


"This was beyond amazing! Thank you so much!"


"You got that secret sauce!"


You’ve Been Talking About Doing This Forever

(So LEt's Do It TODAY!)

I know this is something that’s been on your CEO list for a while: give clarity to yourself and your team members.

So instead of dragging it out again over the next 6-months to a year…we’re going to knock this out today.

  • If you’re ready to skip the lessons in launch failure and hemorrhaged expenses…

  • If you’re ready to fast-forward your growth and implementation…

  • If you’re ready to step into your full-time Founder status…

  • If you’re ready to champion your team members into their best potential…

  • If you’re ready to uplevel your marketing team of doers into a dream team of strategic leaders then…


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DISCLAIMER: LoSoMo Inc DBA Veronica Romney is not part of the Facebook or Instagram website or Facebook Inc. or Instagram.

Additionally, LoSoMo Inc DBA Veronica Romney is NOT endorsed by Facebook or Instagram in any way.

Results are not typical or guaranteed.

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